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Summer Skee-Ball® League Kick-off Party (Wednesday Division)

Wednesday May. 08

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

The Summer Skeeson of Brewskee-Ball® is starting May 15th and this is the kick-off party to play free Skee-Ball®, signup your team, meet potential skeemates, and have a great time!

Brewskee-Ball® is a competitive Skee-Ball® league that’s been rolling in San Francisco for over a decade. The format is pretty simple, teams of 3 compete in weekly matches, a winner is crowned for each match, stats are tabulated throughout the skeeson (yes, there are a lot of puns), and there’s a big tournament at the end of the regular skeeson.

Basic Details:
Teams of 3 (plus alternates)
8 week skeeson (+ 2 weeks of tournaments)
Prizes, trophies, stats, and fun

Matches take place on Wednesday nights @ Slate Bar in the Mission. Each match lasts about 1 hour.

More information about the league can be found at http://www.brewskeeball.com

Sign up today or at the kick-off party!

Can’t make the kick-off party but want to sign up?

Go here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf-8r4IwjYwD68Omck9NVC_5E9OmM_xlxCbXzlsTCB-xy6NPg/viewform

Costs: Early bird pricing: $100/player (includes all of the skeeball and league shirt) / $300/team. Late registration: $120/player + $360/team

Update: We’ve currently got 12 teams signed up, so there’s only 4 more team slots open for the Wednesday Division!

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2925 16TH ST. SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103