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Bandit! Tuesday LGBTQ Dance Party

Tuesday May. 24

9:00 pm - 1:00 am

Get ready SF/Bay Area, a brand new Tueday night weekly is here! Discover what all the Ballyhoo is about. You will be thouroughly satiated with mischievious music selections, dapper divas, and superb shenanigans. 21+ FREE!!
Located @16th/South Van Ness, Slate bar has hersorty and is easy to get to. Happy hour drink prices all night and food served until midnight. Like the >>>Bandit<<< page to stay posted on future events, podcasts and more!
#LGBTQ #Queerdos

(ban-dit /ˈbandit/)
noun: bandit; plural noun: bandits

1. a Tuesday night weekly event with rotating guest DJs
“Nah queen, I’m going to Bandit tonight! I can’t deal with norm-core nellies or basic beats”

2. someone who steals your heart and rides away into the sunset

3. drive by kisses and midnight smooches

4. a hooligan or outlaw belonging to a gang of DJs, typically operating in an isolated booth or lawless area.
“the bandit pulled out an unreleased track and the crowd threw their arms in the air”

5. late 16th century: literally ‘banned,’ past participle of bandire

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2925 16TH ST. SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103